Call: 616-379-4045

Testimonial from Westshore Design

Rua Associates approached me a few years ago because they had a buyer interested in purchasing Westshore Design. The thought of selling Westshore intrigued me as I owned another business, Cusack Music, which was taking up more of my time and limiting my ability to give Westshore the attention it needed. As I explored selling Westshore with Rua Associates, it became quickly apparent that the two businesses were too closely connected for me to be able to sell Westshore and keep Cusack. Rua Associates recommended that I work on separating the businesses, so I spent the next few years completely separating the two businesses.

Once the businesses were separate, I began working with Rua Associates to officially prepare Westshore Design for sale. We went through a thorough prep process up front to ensure I was ready to sell, value the business and develop a market of prospects. After getting this information, I decided I was ready to go to market and work with Rua Associates. Once the business was on the market, I worked closely with Rua Associates as they extensively qualified potential buyers. Their process was unique because it enabled me to pre-screen buyers before they got information, and they did an excellent job of screening out potential buyers that were not a fit.

Rua Associates was able to identify a mix of highly qualified individual financial buyers, strategic buyers and even a local family office. They were able to get me a handful of offers, so I was able to pick the buyer who I felt would be the best fit and ensure the business continued to be successful. The eventual buyer, GVD Industries, was extremely professional and thorough in the process and we were able to close the business in just 4 months from going on the market!

I am incredibly happy with the work provided by Rua Associates. Their prep process was well worth the investment and enabled me to ensure that selling my business made sense. Once on the market, the Rua team did an excellent job building a market and not only helped me get a great value for my business but also found me the best fit. I would highly recommend working with Rua Associates if you are considering selling your business.

John Cusack, Owner Westshore Design

© Rua Associates    |   PO Box 475, Hudsonville, MI 49426    |  Office: 616-379-4045

Web Site Design: Muller Design
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